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Book a rabbit health check to ensure your bunny is in good shape!

Ensure your bunny is in the best of health by booking in for a check with one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses at 608 Vets in the West Midlands.PF1 608 Rabbit offer Social Tiles 3 page 0001 min

During your appointment at 608 Vets, we will check eyes, ears, front teeth (back ones aren't possible whilst your rabbit is awake), body condition and weight. We will discuss nutrition, diet and trim your rabbit's nails if needed.

At 608 Vets we will happily discuss any concerns you might have, answer any questions, and offer advice.

Call you local 608 Vets below:

Rabbit vaccinations are important to protect your pet from Myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD). Find out more about the importance of rabbit vaccinations here.

Dental care is extremely important for your rabbit. Did you know rabbit teeth continue to grow throughout their life? Diet is an important part of keeping your rabbit's teeth in good shape. Find out more about rabbit dental health here.

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